Mano knew we were interested in having authentic food and took us to a food market with amazing foods. He picked what we should taste as we did not know what it was. And the food was very delicious.
Mano also tries to find what you are interested in and tells you about places good to visit. As we wanted to see Elephants and found out just before coming to Sri Lanka how inhumane the Elephant orphanage close to Colombo is. Here Mano told us about the safari in Kawdulla national park. This was one of the most amazing and memorable experience in our lives. And here he was very informative about the customs here about how you are charged much more and charged for giving commission to the driver. This Mano gave ever so kindly back to us as he does not like this custom. Therefore as Mano is so open and informs us of how it is here, it made our time with Mano much better as you feel comfortable.
Mano is a very trustworthy person and always looks for your interest more than his own.
Another thing that we really liked was the fact that there was no upfront cost or paying in full beforehand. This makes it much easier to trust him. We would always pay him the end of the day.
Brian is half Sri Lankan and it was the first time he has been here. And Mano really showed us how beautiful Sri Lanka is.
Natasha & Brian ( London )